TechKnow Trader
A set of six proprietary indicators combined and tuned to detect urgent buying and selling of those insiders “in the know”. With the current economic climate and highly impactful news significantly moving markets, careful analysis and up to the minute data are required for putting the optimal positions in place, both in avoiding losses and capitalizing on growth. TKT specializes in catching the major moves in stock and commodities in advance.
TKT calculates a TKT Score, which is a single number that summarizes its specially designed individual indicators. Positive and rising T-Scores are indicative of upward price pressure and conversely negative and falling T-Scores are indicative of a downward trend in price. T-Scores range from -100 (most bearish) to +100 (most bullish). The theory we base our predictions on is that news will typically “leak out” and if we watch closely certain indicators tuned to detect selling or buying of insiders who know the numbers in advance, we can accurately predict movement. We also use colors in a unique way to rate the bullishness (with green and dark green) and bearishness (with red and maroon), so you can quickly decipher how the market is developing with just one glance. TKT founders previously founded Logical Information Machines (LIM) and its Market Information Machine (MIM), which was purchased by Morningstar for $58M.